House burglars now target you earlier

House burglars now target you in the late afternoon or early evening when you arrive home and have not yet activated your alarm and sensors.
They are clever enough to know that alarms and sensors are only activated when you go to sleep and now attack when you least expect it.
When you get home you are busy with activities such as cooking, feeding pets, watching television and you are not as vigilant.
There is also a tendency to follow you home from the shops and attack when you arrive home.
According to well known security companies, the best protection is to have your sensors connected to armed response and to activate it when you get home. The borders of your property will be protected whilst you can still move around freely in your home. They also suggest that your gate is fitted with a sensor, as you will notice immediately if the gate is tampered with.
Be aware of your surroundings, vehicles in your area and even strangers on foot. If possible do not follow the same routine, alternate the route home and make sure it is safe before entering your property.